Thursday, September 1, 2022

Return to the Temple

The Perambulators!

Wow, it's been quite some time since I last visited the temple! Many things have happened in my life since I last visited the dusty chambers of this long forgotten fane.

I have literally undergone changes in both body and mind. In the time I've been away I have realized my truth as a transgender person (having transitioned, MtF), returned to school to pursue my masters degree (almost done) in clinical mental health counseling, and have become a more actualized individual and over all happier person despite some of the physical health problems I faced during Covid-19 (possibly more on that in another blog). 

The world has obviously changed- with the outbreak of various maladies such as Covid-19 and Monkey Pox plaguing humanity, not to mention the insanity going on in Europe with the Russian Federation trying to wipe out or subjugate the brave Ukrainian people. My thoughts go out to the Ukraine in the hopes that Russians cease their aggression. 

On the home front, I have started running a 5e game again and I have really enjoyed it for the most part. However, the more I run 5e, the more I realize that I miss the simplicity of B/X games. I love the players I have in my game now, I couldn't ask for better players, but I keep thinking that I would like to make the switch to Old School Essentials (OSE) at some point in the future. D&D 5e is a good system, but like many systems that have come before it, it is starting to experience "rules bloat". There are so many adventures and rules supplements for the game now that it's hard to keep up with everything being published. 

Anyway, I feel that I'm starting to ramble and it's way past my bedtime so I'll sign off for now.

Live Deliciously!
